My desire to create art comes from my search for the meaning of our existence. I use my artwork as a key to understand others and myself. The most precious thing in my life is the growth process. Art is my guide and mentor....

Monday, August 9, 2010

Summer Workshop

Collograph Discover Deimensional Prints

August 21-22 2010

Saturday and Sunday 10:00 am - 4:00 pm

Class Fee: $245 members / $260 non-members

A collagraph is a print made from a collage of various materials glued together on cardboard, plexiglass, wooden boards, etc. Students will explore different ways to create plates using mediums, fabrics, sand, and found objects, using basic relief, intaglio and embossing printing techniques on an etching press, creating dimensional prints. Collagraphs can be combined with many other printing methods such as letterpress. Finished prints can be used for book covers and as the contents of books. Sample collagraphs will be shown and explained. All participants are encouraged to experiment and discover their own collagraph methods. Open to all skill levels.

The Center For Book Art 28 West 27 Street 3rd floor Tel 212 418 0295

1 comment:

  1. Collagraphs printing is another printing technique which makes with the combinations of various printing materials and can be print on any of the printing surfaces like wooden boards, fabrics and metal plats. This technique was generate through using basic relief, intaglio and embossing printing techniques on an etching press, creating dimensional prints. Collagraphs printing can be combined with any other printing techniques like letterpress printing. Usually results of collagraphs used for book covers, magazine covers etc.
